Year 7 Transition 2024/25

Because "we all come together to learn", there is a strong universal element to our curriculum: we give all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

Year 7 Transition 2024/25

We are delighted to welcome you and your son to St. Margaret’s Church of England Academy which is part of the All Saints Multi Academy Trust. Thank you for choosing our school; we know it is a privilege to have been entrusted with your child’s education and are looking forward to meeting with them over the coming weeks.

The transition from primary school to secondary school is incredibly exciting for students and parents but it can also be a time of uncertainty. Through our transition programme, we are aiming to ensure that our new students visit St. Margaret’s on at least three occasions prior to September. This way, we can make sure they are familiar with their surroundings, have been introduced to key members of staff and are feeling confident and ready for their official start in September. We are hoping that the range of activities outlined below will support this.

Date Focus Description
Monday 20th May –Friday 7th June School Visits to primary schools A representative from school will visit your child’ school and gather any essential information from their teacher which may support the transition. This will not involve parents/carers
Tuesday 11th June (4:00 – 6:00 p.m.)
Wednesday 12th June  (4:00 – 6:00 p.m.)
‘Getting to know you’ one-to-one meetings Parents and Y6 students will be invited into St. Margaret’s to meet with a member of the transition team. This will be an opportunity to ensure school has all of the relevant information about your child and an opportunity for you to ask any questions and add any further information. These are always really valuable meetings, and we would ask that all parents take this opportunity to come into school.
Wednesday 3rd July Transition Day Students will visit St. Margaret’s for a full day. They will meet their forms and form tutors and engage in a range of fun and exciting activities and experience a day in the life of a St. Margaret’s student.
Monday 29th July
Tuesday 30th July
Summer School Students will be invited to participate in summer school. More details will be shared on the Open Mornings.

Please find below a number of important and useful documents:


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